Home Jewish Communities A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember

It was a night to remember for PROPEL, as the nonprofit organization celebrated its accomplishments on September 23rd at the Moise Safra Community Center (MSCC) in Manhattan.

Approximately 150 guests— including community leaders and PROPEL board members, professionals and clients—gathered in the beautiful ballroom of MSCC to honor the wonderful women who inspired the PROPEL funds and schools Joyce Silverman, an interior decorator extraordinaire; and Cookie Cohen, an inspiring young entrepreneur.

Harry Adjmi, our community’s well-known emcee at many charity events, opened the event with a warm welcome. Then a video montage portraying the accomplishments of PROPEL graduates and events during the past year was featured on large screens.

PROPEL invests in coaching and guiding women to be the best they can be, by finding suitable careers that generate income. PROPEL focuses on careers that make sense and honor the traditional values of our community. Women are heroines—they are balancing professional and family life successfully.

The evening was beautifully organized to recognize the co-founders of PROPEL Rebecca Harary, in tribute to her mother Joyce Salame (in conjunction with proud son-in-law Marshall Aronow) and Ezra Ashkenazi, in tribute to his wife Sharyn. Rebecca and Ezra described how PROPEL was formed and how the organization has grown over the last four years.

Joyce Salame and Sharyn Ashkenazi, who inspired the PROPEL Leadership and Empowerment Funds, respectively, were each presented with an artistic rendering of Petihat Parnassa, the prayer for Sustenance, we recite on the High Holidays. That’s what PROPEL does—it helps families by guiding women into the workforce to provide a much needed second income.

PROPEL proudly honored the women that inspired some of the PROPEL schools: Rachel Khafif presented an award to her mother Robin Braka (School of Art); Ivette Dabah presented an award to her daughter-in-law Barbara Dabah (School of Technology); Freda Haddad Sutton presented awards to her daughter-in-laws Sharon Haddad and Nellie Haddad (School of Wellness); and Jimmy Haber was presented an award in memory of his wife Amy Haber A”H (School of Education). Each honoree was presented a plaque which contained the prayer Eshet Hayil, recited every Friday night. The prayer extols the virtues of women and enumerates both the familial and professional roles that women embody.

Sarah Gindi, longtime friend of our honoree Joyce Silverman (The Illumination Awardee) spoke eloquently about Joyce’s talents as an interior designer, as well as her benevolence. Joyce created The Nest Fund, which donates gently used furniture to those less fortunate.

Cookie Cohen, a role model for her generation, told the story of CocoBox, a successful start-up business supplying recipes with creative ingredients to a growing clientele. Her sister-in-law Sonia Cohen exquisitely elaborated on Cookie’s tremendous accomplishments and presented Cookie with The Young Leadership Award.

Probably the moment of the evening which allowed the guests to understand the instrumental work of PROPEL was when graduate, Frieda Schweky passionately told her story from the podium. Frieda is now a photographer and supports her family for the moment, as her husband builds his business. She acknowledged that none of this could have been done without PROPEL believing and investing in her. We are very proud of Frieda!

PROPEL is very thankful for a dedicated Board of Directors led by Co-Presidents Haim Dabah and Jacqueline Harary and Vice Presidents Michael Haddad and Gayle Krost, a committed professional team, and, of course, the clients who make the organization proud every day.
PROPEL is extremely appreciative of all the community members who support this organization, and all the donations pledged at the event. The organization offers financial scholarships to its clients to cover part of the cost for certification courses and exemplifies “smart giving.”

By investing in women, each donation evolves into a salary which can help support a family, and ease the financial burden which is a reality in today’s world. As the Rambam proclaims, teaching a person a trade is one of the highest forms of tzedakah. PROPEL is committed to the financial success and future of the community by inspiring women to feel confident in careers of their choice.

PROPEL helps women discover their passion, profession and earning potential. PROPEL invests in family—one woman at a time!

If you are interested in a career, please reach out to PROPEL. We can help you fulfill your professional goal. Call 646-494-0822 or email info@thepropelnetwork.org.

Follow PROPEL on Instagram @PropelNetwork to find out information about upcoming programs and events.