Home Community A Giving Hand Bringing Hope and New Life to Couples Facing Infertility

A Giving Hand Bringing Hope and New Life to Couples Facing Infertility

A Giving Hand is more than just an organization—it is a lifeline for couples grappling with infertility, offering financial and emotional support when they need it most. Founded by Meyer and Golda Ashear, A Giving Hand was born from their own painful journey with infertility. As they navigated their struggles, they felt the profound isolation, the weight of the financial burden, and the emotional toll that infertility can take. They understood that no one should ever have to face this challenge alone, and thus, A Giving Hand was created to extend a supportive hand to couples facing the same struggles. Their mission is clear: to provide the resources and encouragement needed to help couples pursue medical fertility treatments and, ultimately, to bring new life into the world.

Meyer and Golda’s personal connection to infertility makes their work deeply meaningful. “When my wife Golda and I founded A Giving Hand, we envisioned a world where the financial burden and stress of infertility would cease to exist,” Meyer shares. “Our mission is to empower those on this journey to give thaem the support they need to turn their dreams into reality.” They approach each couple not just as clients but as members of the A Giving Hand family, maintaining close relationships and celebrating their progress every step of the way. The Ashears stay in touch, send thoughtful gifts, and constantly pray for each couple’s success. This personal touch is what sets A Giving Hand apart—it’s not just about financial assistance, but about creating a community of support, love, and hope.

Joyce Harari, one of the many beneficiaries of A Giving Hand, knows firsthand the profound impact this organization can have. Reflecting on her own journey through infertility, she says, “If you had told me a year ago that I’d be standing here speaking about my journey, I would’ve said you were crazy. Infertility is such a private struggle, and you often feel so alone, like your body isn’t working, and you’re constantly asking, ‘Why me?’ But A Giving Hand changed that for me.” Joyce’s emotional rollercoaster was met with unwavering support from Meyer and Golda. They not only helped her financially but were also there emotionally, offering friendship, reassurance, and a shared understanding that eased the burden. “Knowing that they themselves were going through the same thing made me feel normal,” Joyce recalls, “and able to not focus only on myself.” It’s stories like Joyce’s that highlight the true essence of A Giving Hand—an organization that not only offers financial assistance but restores hope to those who feel lost.

Harry Adjmi, a passionate supporter of A Giving Hand, articulates the value of the work the organization does. “What you’re doing is critical to couples who are struggling,” he says. “I think $18,000 is cheap—I think a million dollars is cheap—what is it to make a life? A billion?” His words reflect the deep impact that infertility has on individuals and families, and the priceless gift of giving life to those who yearn for it. He emphasizes the importance of the Ashears’ work not just for individuals but for the community as a whole. “You’re doing it for our community. You’re not doing it for some faraway place for people we don’t know.” Harry’s commitment to supporting A Giving Hand is evident in his desire to see the organization continue to grow and help more people. “Please don’t hesitate when the tank starts to get low,” he urges Meyer and Golda. “Call on me and anyone else who believes in what you’re doing.”

Rabbi Joey Haber also speaks to the unique mission of A Giving Hand and the incredible generosity of the Ashears. He paints a vivid picture of what life is like for couples struggling with infertility: “Imagine coming home, and the house is quiet, with no children running around, no toys scattered on the floor. It doesn’t get lonelier than that.” Yet, instead of allowing their pain to consume them, Meyer and Golda chose to extend their hand to others, saying, “We have your back. We will make sure you get to the finish line.” Their selflessness is inspiring, and Rabbi Haber marvels at their ability to take their own pain and turn it into something that brings hope and joy to others. “You’ve already helped 85 couples, and in 10 years, we’re going to look back and see hundreds of babies born because of you.”

The ripple effect of A Giving Hand’s work cannot be overstated. Rabbi David Haber, who has witnessed firsthand the impact of the organization, explains, “In my community alone, there are multiple couples who now have children because of the assistance they received from A Giving Hand.” He reflects on the profound spiritual reward of helping bring new life into the world, echoing the sentiment that saving a life is akin to saving the world. But what about creating a life? The joy and fulfillment that come from supporting a couple through their infertility journey cannot be quantified, but its impact is felt by the couples, their families, and the community at large.

A Giving Hand is not just an organization; it is a beacon of hope for couples facing one of the most challenging times in their lives. It offers not only financial assistance but emotional support, friendship, and the unwavering belief that no one should walk this road alone. Meyer and Golda Ashear’s commitment to helping others through their own personal struggles is a testament to the power of empathy, generosity, and community. As Joyce Harari so beautifully put it, “Without them, my beautiful Rachel Mazal would not be here.” A Giving Hand has already made an immeasurable difference in the lives of so many, and with continued support, it will bring many more miracles into this world.