Home Community News Protect Yourself, Don’t Get Knocked Out

Protect Yourself, Don’t Get Knocked Out

Following yet another knockout assault targeting an innocent pedestrian, Councilman David G. Greenfield, Senator Simcha Felder and Councilman-elect Chaim Deutsch are calling on the NYPD to drastically increase its presence throughout the community, especially during Shabbat, which is when two of the most recent attacks targeting Jews occurred. This request includes additional officers, temporary lighting at trouble locations and other measures to help prevent attacks. In addition, the elected officials are reminding the public to be especially vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times and to immediately report any suspicious activity to the NYPD.

The recent knockout attacks in our community are unacceptable and must be acted upon immediately. Inflicting violence on unsuspecting people is a cowardly act and a crime that must be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Pa-Kua instructor Master Michael Matsas teaches self-defense classes. He is a fourth degree black belt and has been studying and teaching Pa-Kua, an ancient form of martial arts, for over 15 years. In today’s world, where our streets are not as safe as they ought to be, having self-defense skills is essential. Pa-Kua offers techniques for every situation, as well as classes in ancient weapons.  Self-defense classes teach more than how to respond to a threat. They teach you to be aware of your surroundings at all times and will help you avoid becoming a victim.

“We cannot stop every heinous act, but we can learn the correct way to respond if we find ourselves in a frightening situation. The Torah decrees: Venishmartem meod lenafshoteichem (be very careful about your lives). One way to be careful is by learning to protect yourself,” said Master Michael.

Pa-Kua Martial Arts is not just for children and it’s not just for adults—you and your children can take courses that combine practical physical training, learning to read body language and ways to build assertiveness. Once you learn self-defense, you’ll feel much safer walking alone and knowing that your children know how to defend themselves offers incredible peace of mind, as well.

Master Michael Matsas is working hard to meet the needs of the community. In addition to lessons at the school, private in-home classes for individuals and groups are available. He’ll happily come to your office to teach a class—or any other venue. Not only are the classes important because of the knockout attacks, they’re fun and provide a great cardiovascular workout. Before you know it, you’ll be in shape and shedding pounds, which also falls under that biblical decree.

Visit pakuamcdonald.com for more information about class schedules, or to set up an appointment for a free trial class, call Master Michael at (347) 338-8334. Pa-Kua is located at 1115 McDonald Avenue.

Knowing how to protect yourself is wonderful, however, if you suspect criminal activity, call 911. Anyone with information about the Knockout attacks is urged to contact the NYPD’s anonymous Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS. If you are a victim or know someone who is and are unsure how to proceed, the The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition urges you to contact them for assistance at flatbushjcc@gmail.com