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YOF Bake Sale: Stress Relief Along with Great Food

Ladies Auxiliary President Stephanie Sharaby with President-Elect Terry Shalom

Ladies Auxiliary President Stephanie Sharaby with President-Elect Terry Shalom

The Yeshivah of Flatbush Annual Ladies Auxiliary Edith Wachsman A”H Memorial Bake Sale and Chinese Auction was graciously held at the home of Betty and Allen Esses, in honor of Betty’s parents, Sari and David Hedaya and Allen’s mother, Grace Esses, and in memory of Allen’s father, Norman Esses, A”H.

Tips for discovering the key to living a stress-free life were abundant at the two-day event. During the evening reception, Joel Braverman High School Dean of Students Rabbi Naftali Besser gave advice for speaking to your children when you are under stress. Instead of raising your voice, let your children know, in a calm way, what is going through your mind. When children understand why you are upset, they will respond more positively.

Judith Horowitz, of “Got Clutter,” spoke about how to eliminate the stress that accompanies messy and cluttered closets, drawers and handbags. Her advice was the “less is more” approach to de-cluttering. Her rule is, if you do not use something for one year, get rid of it. People usually make excuses and say the unused item cost a lot or might be of use sometime in the future, but it is better to let someone else get use from the item than have it sit in your house taking up space.

Betty and Allen Esses, the gracious hosts of the event

Betty and Allen Esses, the gracious hosts of the event

Vicky Harari, RNMS, spoke about the stress-relieving benefits of exercise. Exercise decreases anxiety and improves mood, memory and learning ability. Next time your children act up or can’t focus on their homework, instead of putting them in “time-out,” have them do jumping jacks or use a stress ball or punching bag to relieve anxious feelings. This will clear their minds and help them re-focus.

Bake Sale and Chinese Auction Chairperson Rochelle Dweck with her   mother, Honorary Ladies Auxiliary President Shifra Hanon

Bake Sale and Chinese Auction Chairperson Rochelle Dweck with her mother, Honorary Ladies Auxiliary President Shifra Hanon

Chairpersons and YOF parents Monique Haddad, Rochelle Dweck and Michele Levy did a great job ensuring the event was a success. At their side was a team of generous sponsors and volunteers, helping with every aspect of the event—acquiring prizes and recruiting sponsors, baking and packing, decorating, selling goods and raffles, and more. That is particularly gratifying because the Ladies Auxiliary is an integral part of the yeshivah, providing many programs and activities to enhance the students’ experience.

Judith Horowitz of ā€œGot Clutterā€ gave advice on how to de-clutter closets, drawers and handbags

Judith Horowitz of ā€œGot Clutterā€ gave advice on how to de-clutter closets, drawers and handbags

The event was certainly a stress-free time for all. A gorgeous Chinese Auction included wonderful prizes of jewelry, electronics and an impressive looking barbecue. There was also a café style gourmet lunch and tables full of baked goods, because, eve­­ryone knows, the number one de-stressor is a good piece of chocolate.
Annie Lubin is a freelance writer.