The Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush (COJO) will honor Mayor Bill de Blasio, Police Commissioner William Bratton, Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Comptroller Scott Stringer, Ari Baum, David Heskiel and other notables at its 35th Annual Community Legislative Breakfast on Sunday morning, March 23, 2014, in Brooklyn.
Over 800 communal residents, organizational leaders and public officials will attend the annual keynote function of the Greater Flatbush community. This memorable occasion will provide a vehicle for the Jewish community to pay tribute to its legislators, prominent officials, community agency leaders and benefactors. The event is also a platform that recognizes the pioneering and innovative leadership of its healthcare, financial, educational and community development institutions, and of the various city, state and federal agencies that launch social welfare programs to serve the disadvantaged in our Brooklyn localities.
This year, Mr. Larry Spiewak, COJO’s Board Chairman will also serve as Event Chair. David Heskiel, will be Breakfast Co-Chair with Leon Goldenberg. David is vice-president of Riverside Abstract, a company that offers professional title insurance services to Tri-State area residents. David is a brilliant, good-hearted and genuinely concerned community leader, who has a relentless drive to help our disadvantaged Jewish brethren living in New York.

COJO is also very pleased to have Mr. Ari Baum, Senior. VP at Morgan Stanley, as one of its honorees. Morgan Stanley is a multi-national financial services corporation that delivers outstanding brokerage and investment advisory services, as well as access to banking, lending and cash management services. Ari has achieved great heights of success in the financial and investments arena, and has dedicated himself to supporting communal causes. His involvement in helping and rescuing those in need is unparalleled!
Steve Cohn, another honoree, is partner to his firm for over 30 years. His excellent law firm, specializing in the areas of family and matrimonial law, government relations, real estate and litigation, among other areas, helps clients with exceptional advocacy and counsel. His role as Past-President of the Brooklyn Bar Association, as a Member of the NYC Bar Matrimonial Committee and Delegate to the NYS Bar Association, only attests to his dedication to the provision of high quality and professional legal services. He has donated his time and expertise in various pro-bono cases over the years, which is also laudable.
Mr. Gil Cygler, President and CEO of AllCar Rent A Car is a luminary in this year’s breakfast. He sits on the Board of the American Car Rental Association, the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, the Boy Scouts, and the JCC of Canarsie. He is very involved in helping COJO of Flatbush, the Yeshivah of Flatbush and Chai Lifeline in many aspects of their good works for the poor, indigent and the ailing.
This year’s other honorees include: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio; NYC Police Commissioner William J. Bratton; NYS Senator Simcha Felder; NY City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito; NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer; NYC Public Advocate Letitia James; Frank Seddio, Esq., Kings County Democratic Chairman; Mrs. Susan Weinstock, VP, Brooklyn Region and Member, National Board, EMUNAH of America; Mr. Boruch Moskovitz, Executive Coordinator, Flatbush Shomrim, and other dignitaries from the city, state and federal government, and prominent communal leaders.

On the morning of March 23rd, we will acknowledge our appreciation to COJO’s 2014 prominent awardees, who have, through their tireless efforts, forged strong bridges and working partnerships with our communal institutions, striving to effect changes for the wellbeing of our area residents.
Each honoree has made a significant contribution and ground-breaking strides in his or her respective sphere of endeavor, be it in the realm of managed health care, banking, policy and planning, legislation, investment planning, real estate development, volunteerism, philanthropy, commerce, law enforcement, community safety, or humanitarian endeavors.
COJO is very proud of its breakfast honorees, who have demonstrated through their work that their primary aspiration and endeavor is to uplift the quality of life of our NY residents. The awardees have contributed greatly to the renaissance of our community institutions, forging bridges and striving to affect changes for the good of our residents.
For more information, or to reserve a seat, please contact our Breakfast Coordinator, either by phone at (718) 377-2900 ext. 7604/7607 or by e-mail at breakfast@jewishcouncil.org.
Under the leadership of Rabbi Yechezkel Pikus, COJO has become one of the most outstanding community service agencies in NewYork. During his 15 years as president of the board, Mr. Moshe Zakheim has givem his able assistance and dedication to the staff of COJO, a multi-faceted, non-sectarian, non-profit social service agency acting as the ombudsman to the locality in addressing its concerns.
The Council, for the past 35 years, has been operating a multi-service center located at 1523 Avenue M, 3rd floor, in Brooklyn. This community-based organization provides a broad range of multi-level human services and programs. For assistance, information and referral, please call (718) 377-2900, ext. 7601.