Home Beauty Winterize Your Skin

Winterize Your Skin

winterize-your-skinThe winter can bring healthy smooth skin to a screeching halt. During this time of year our skin is faced with many challenges, primarily wind and cold, which dry it out. Moving instantly from freezing outside to warm temperatures indoors, from wind and cold.

Moving instantly from freezing outside to warm temperatures indoors, from wind and cold to dry overheated rooms, our complexion takes abuse. This is the time to take special care of your skin.

Use a moisturizer as a barrier between your skin and your makeup. This is not the time of year to run and do errands without the protection of a good moisturizer. If you apply your moisturizer in the morning and your skin feels dry later, you need a richer moisturizer.

Many women with oily skin omit using moisturizer. However they usually have dry spots on their skin that need to be nourished. After 20, everyone needs moisturizer, no matter how beautiful their skin appears. Without it, skin begins to slowly deteriorate and it will not be evident until it is too late. So, if you have oily skin, choose a non-oily moisturizer and apply daily. It is moisture, not oil that your skin desires.

Avoid over scrubbing your skin. Twice a day is perfect. Also avoid extremely hot or cold water. Wash your face with a gentle cream cleanser and rinse with lukewarm water. I prefer removing my eye makeup first, using a damp wash cloth to take off makeup and then using the cleanser. Your skin will be clean but shouldn’t feel tight. Using a face scrubber sponge or a gentle facial brush with the cleanser makes your skin cleaner. Always follow with a toner if your skin is dry, and an astringent for oily skin. This step is most important as it closes your pores and removes bacteria. These

are the minimum steps we need to take to maintain our skin.

If you have normal to dry skin, using a rich emollient night cream will keep skin in optimum shape, and keep wrinkles away.

The most advanced anti-ageing technology is using an anti-oxidant serum under your moisturizer or night cream. I highly recommend Vitamin C serum. Adding a few drops under your moisturizer will keep your skin nourished. Using a neck and throat cream will keep away wrinkles and your throat will not age faster than your face. Vitamins A, E and D are the ingredients to look for.

Don’t forget to exfoliate. Removing dead skin allows the new skin to shine through. Most of us don’t feel the flaky buildup. If you are dry you will love an exfoliant that adds moisture and humidity to your skin. For those with oily skin, using a clay masque will remove your impurities. For most of us once every 10 days to two weeks works best. Adjust accordingly.

Using an eye cream is a necessity! If you have young eyes, starting early with a light eye cream will help scare away those tiny fine lines. If you have more mature eyes, use a light eye cream under your eye makeup for a softer look. At night or when you aren’t wearing makeup, keep your eyes bathed in a rich emollient eye cream, one without any fragrance. Fragrance makes your eyes swell. I prefer an eye cream rich in olive oil. Your eye makeup will go on smoother the next morning. It can also be used around your lip line, if your lips are beginning to feather.

Last but not least, take care of skin with a body cream. You will have beautiful skin all over. Your overall skin will glow. Taking care of your skin now will prevent those tiny lines later on.

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