Home Community Community News The SCA Offers Exciting Learning Programs

The SCA Offers Exciting Learning Programs

Last summer, the SCA sponsored a learning program in conjunction with the Sephardic Rabbinical College and The Allegra Franco Sephardic Women’s Teachers College. They developed an extensive learning program at the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue of Deal (Hathaway Shul). With the cooperation of Rabbi Farhi and Joe Cayre, the program ran smoothly and was a resounding success.

The goal of the program was to create a center for Torah learning during the daytime, as well as evenings, for our community. Attracted by the highly skilled teachers and rabbis from both institutions, over 300 people attended weekly. Throughout the day, people were learning and attending classes, including women’s classes four days a week as well as evenings, young adult classes and beit midrash learning at night. Under the direction of Rabbi Harold Sutton, Assistant Rosh Yeshiva of the SRC, and Gitta Neufeld, Director of the AFSWTC, the summer learning initiative provided all members of our community with high-level learning throughout the summer. The positive atmosphere and energy built up during the week and carried over through the weekend at the JCC, where the Shabbat Minyan was attended by approximately 300 people weekly.

With the JCC’s strategic central location in the heart of Deal, community members were able to participate in a first minyan, youth minyan, young adult minyan or main minyan. Lectures and classes were spearheaded by Rabbi Harold Sutton and included numerous guest speakers over the course of the summer.

Baruch Hashem, this year’s summer program promises to be bigger and better. Classes on a variety of topics, given by master teachers, are being scheduled for both daytime and evening sessions. The highly successful young adults’ class on Wednesday nights will once again be offered. A special bein hamesarim (three weeks) evening series, to be given by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, will culminate in our first all-day Tisha B’av learning program at the JCC, where the entire community can be enriched and properly understand the loss of the Beit Hamikdash mourned on that day.

If you did not attend the Hathaway summer program last year, this is the year to do so. Get involved, and get the most out of your summer that you possibly can. A schedule of all the classes will be available after Passover on our website: www.SephardicAlliance.org. If you would like to suggest a topic for classes, or have any other input, feel free to email info@sephardicalliance.org. This summer will be the opportunity for you and your family to refresh, rejuvenate, and stay spiritually connected.

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