Photos by Alice Shammah
The event took place in the beautiful home of Heather and Murray Dayan, whose family, along with a dedicated committee, worked tirelessly to make the event the success that it was. There were inspiring classes, baked goods galore, a wonderful Chinese Auction, and wall-to-wall children lined up for prayers every few hours.
There were even charts with berachot (prayers) encouraging guests to take one of the many treats being offered and make a special prayer lillul neshamat Ezra Ben Carmella. There were photos of Ezra growing up posted on the walls and everywhere you looked, “because I want everyone to know who Ezra was,” explained mom Caroline Cornman.
The Ezra Cornman Bar Mitzvah Foundation, will help boys get Bar Mitzvah in a dignified manner, providing teffilin, kuratchas, bar mitzvah and halachot lessons and a complete wardrobe, helping not only the bar mitzvah boy, but his family as well, making the event a more memorable and special day!
People are encouraged to email their thoughts or words of comfort to the Cornmans at