Home Sephardic Customs & History The Community Misses Abe Sultan A”H

The Community Misses Abe Sultan A”H

ImageOur community was deeply saddened when community leader Abraham Sultan passed away. At his eulogy, he was called a visionary. Over 60 years ago he understood the need our young people had for a center. He not only understood the need, he was the driving force behind the idea and the fund- raising effort. When the new center evolved into Magen David Yeshivah, it was Abe, the modern thinker, who insisted that girls be admitted as students to facilitate their opportunity for an equal education. He was at the forefront of many innovative, forward-thinking ideas and actions of his time.

As his early success in business matured and the community grew, he became a prominent leader. Other successful businessmen sought his advice and mediation in disputes. Many partnerships were saved and others dissolved amicably, thanks to Abe’s guidance.

Abe made our community and this world a better place. He was a man who put a smile on the face of humanity.

They say that the true nature of a person is revealed during difficult times. Whatever disappointments or adversities he faced, Abe never lost his outlook or his joie de vivre.

He appreciated beauty whether it was revealed in nature or in the demeanor of another person. He expressed his appreciation in word and deed. He was gracious and dignified up until his last day on earth.

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