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SPARKS Raises Awareness on Capitol Hill

SPARKS, an organization founded by Esther Kenigsberg with a mission to combat and raise awareness relating to women who suffer from postpartum depression  and related illnesses, recently paid tribute to several prominent business and religious leaders, including Rabbi Dr. Elie and Esti Abadie, Rafi and Ruthie Fouzailoff, Rabbi Joel Eisdorfer, Rabbi Naftali Horowitz, Susan Stone, Yossi Itzkowitz and Suri Krauss, in a tribute luncheon held in Washington, DC.

The honorees accepted appreciation awards from leading members of Congress and Esther Kenisgsberg, in acknowledgement of the dedication they show SPARKS.

The luncheon, coordinated by The Friedlander Group, a consulting firm, brought together a diverse group of members of Congress to pay tribute to SPARKS.

The assemblage heard from Reps. Bobby Rush, Danny Davis, Jerry Nadler, Carolyn McCarthy, Henry Waxman, Steve Cohen, Shelley Berkely, Adam Schiff, Alyson Schwartz, Ed Towns and Bob Filner. The members all expressed appreciation and gratitude to the good work and the lives literally saved by SPARKS.

In addition to hearing from leading members of Congress, Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Executive Vice President of American Friends of Lubavaitch in Washington DC, delivered the invocation and recounted how appropriate it is that the luncheon was held during the week when we read from the Torah about a mother giving birth.

Perhaps the highlight of the luncheon came when a young couple publicly addressed the audience, recounting their own very personal battle with postpartum depression and how SPARKS was with them every step of the away. The crowd, visibly moved, gave this very special couple a standing ovation. With Rabbi Shemtov’s prodding, everybody pledged to help SPARKS continue its important mission. The luncheon was closed by SPARKS board member Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie, the founding rabbi of the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue—located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan—who recited the traditional  prayer for the well being of the United States and its government  in both Hebrew and English.

The day culminated with a private meeting with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in her office.  Susan Stone fully briefed the Senator on all aspect of SPARKS and its need to grow. Visibly touched, the Senator profusely thanked Esther Kenigsberg, and pledged her support to helping with its growth. She then individually thanked each honoree and the SPARKS board for allowing such a wonderful organization to take shape in her home state.