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Sephardic High School’s Class of 1983 Reunion

Sephardic High School, now that’s a blast from the past. The class of 1983 could hardly believe that 25 years had past. Actually, it is 26 years, but who’s counting? It all started when a few of us began to talk about the need for a reunion. But how do you gather up a group of students and faculty from an institution that no longer exists? It seemed like a hopeless endeavor. Then one day, during winter vacation last year, there was Divine intervention. While vacationing in Turnberry, Florida, one of our former classmates, Raymond Dayan, ran into Dr. Daniel Vitow, our former principal.

When the idea of doing a 25th Anniversary Sephardic High School Reunion came up, it didn’t seem necessary or worth all of the effort that it would require. Thoughts like, “Don’t we see each other at every party?” and “I see whomever I want to see” came to mind, but Sammy Cohen and Raymond Dayan wouldn’t take no for an answer. After a few months they recruited Steve Levy to spearhead the effort.

One thing lead to another, and before we knew it most of the faculty had been tracked down. Next, we had the job of locating our former classmates who no longer live in the Brooklyn community. This was accomplished with the help of Steve Levy. He set up an elaborate webpage for our reunion committee to access and store all contact information acquired through researching and networking. Yes, the class of 1983 is computer savvy! Once the research was done and the people were found, we set up a means of communication through the Internet for the entire class to talk with each other. It was really amazing being able to talk to the entire grade at once.

Updates and marching orders were being sent out daily (mostly by Denise Meyer Shemesh and Sol Wahba, who were integral to the reunion taking place). It wasn’t long before invitations hit the email boxes of every student and teacher of the Sephardic high school class of 1983. The excitement was growing.

It all came together early last month. Over 60 graduates and faculty members met at Cafe Venezia, and what a night it was! Our master of ceremonies was Sammy J. Sutton, who kept us entertained the entire evening and made sure that things ran without any glitches. Awards were presented to our esteemed faculty, including Rabbi Moshe Shammah, Dr. Daniel Vitow, Rabbi Ronald Barry, Mr. Alan Schweky, Mrs. Lola Kahn, Mrs. Susan Ackerman, Mr. Terry Treuman, Rabbi Tzvi Berkowitz, Rabbi Nehemiah Zeitchick, Dr. Richard Tomback and Rabbi Yerushalmi, who all spoke with strong emotion about their unique experiences teaching at Sephardic High School. We truly never expected the level of warmth and sentiment that filled the evening. Many of our classmates got up and spoke. There was laughter for the wonderful memories that we all shared and tears for the people who are no longer with us. There was video footage of our memorable graduation party, copies of the Sephardic Scoop and articles from the notorious underground newspaper. The Sephardic High School class of 1983, 25th reunion was a night that will be in our hearts and in our minds for a long time to come.

We would like to give a special thanks to Denise Meyer Shemesh, Sol Wahba and everyone whose hard work and dedication made the night a complete success. We would also like to thank Café Venezia for food that was delicious and plentiful, and for service that was superb.

It felt like we had never been apart, it was as if we were teenagers again, and for a few hours on that wonderful night…we were. The level of warmth and affection in that room was something that no one could have expected. We didn’t want the night to end and if the owner of the restaurant didn’t (gently) remind us about the lateness of the hour, it is likely we would still be there.

We do not really see each other at every party, and even when we do, well, we really don’t. Was it worth all of the time and effort? Not a person in attendance that night would say no. And as far as seeing whomever we want to—I cannot wait to see everyone at the next reunion, which cannot come soon enough.

The theme of the night was one of love and respect, something we will always have for our teachers and for each other. Best wishes to all and hope to see you at the 30th!