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Miracles in Healthcare

Today’s medical environment has become highly technological in nature. Everyday we hear about new systems, scanners and other devices, often costing millions of dollars, which will diagnose everything and “solve all problems”. Unfortunately, the reality is often otherwise and we are left holding the bill of ever increasing medical care.

There are however, systems that are available today that come close to the “ideal”. Following my internship with a local physician (whom I will call Dr. Gordon), I subsequently returned to him to discuss the possibility of using a device with well documented healing capabilities. To my surprise, he was actually evaluating such a device that he said is phenomenal. This device, The DP, has successfully healed many difficult health problems. Dr. Gordon learned about DP from Dr. Bordon who originally purchased a DP for his father who was a diabetic and was a candidate to have both his legs amputated. After treating his father with the DP, the circulation in his legs improved to the point that he no longer was a surgical candidate. Dr. Gordon decided to implement a trial period where he could treat different cases and prove to his own satisfaction the effectiveness of the DP.
One of the first patients was Mr. “Albaggo”, a diabetic with a wound that failed to heal. Since it was in a high-pressure location, the constant stress made healing more difficult. Mr. Albaggo was treated for about 20 minutes daily until the wound was completely healed. 
Another patient, “Mr. Baldo”., an elderly gentleman, a diabetic and a long-time smoker had horrific wounds on his heel and lower foot. His lower leg was severely compromised and he had recently undergone surgery the aim of which was to try to increase the blood flow to his lower leg. Mr. Baldo was treated twice daily to increase his blood flow and to help heal the wound. After several weeks of treatment, there was significant improvement in the wound with new tissue growth, increased warmth, severe itching Usually a sign of healing) and the blood flow was improved as well.
Other patients came in suffering from continuous back pain, sciatica, cellulitis (a “Roize”), gastritis, TMJ and other issues. The length of treatment is dependant on several factors including how chronic the condition is, the patient’s age and overall health.
I began using a much more sophisticated and powerful device, the ONDAMED, that has had years of use proving its effectiveness. So what is this device? How can one machine provide treatment for so many different ailments? These devices use electromagnetic frequencies. To understand the science of how and why this works (which is far from completely understood) would require a degree in advanced quantum physics which I will NOT present here. Simply put, there are two major classes of frequencies; those that are safe and healing and those that are just the opposite. Some well known examples are sunlight, radiation burns, the healing blue lights used for jaundiced babies, vitamin D produced by sunlight in the skin, etc. The use of light for healing has been explored in modern times since the 19th century. In 1903, the Nobel Prize for Medicine/Physiology went to a scientist for healing major diseases using light. In addition to light, electricity is used for pain and to repair bone fractures. What sets the ONDAMED apart is the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies or PEMF. Basically, this device causes healing by stimulating the body into rejuvenating the cells and thus it heals the related illness.  The ONDAMED can also analyze the body’s state of health using biofeedback which is confirmed via the person’s own pulse.
Here is a case in point: A young woman came in to see me complaining of hormonal issues. I questioned her at length and looked at her medical records and blood tests. I then performed a scan of her state of health and found several other problems including osteoporosis which is not common in someone so young. She confirmed the possibility because her mother suffers from it and she herself had severe pains in her shoulder. After several treatments, she confirmed that for the first time in 6 years she was able to sleep without pain.  
In another case, someone had extensive pain and paralysis from spinal meningitis. It was painful just watching him walk. I began treatments with him and the day after the first treatment he called to tell me how much better he felt. After the third treatment his youngest son got engaged and he called to tell me how happy he was to be able to dance with him!
On many occasions, I would run a scan without even knowing what their “chief complaint” was and the client confirms the findings. After doing the history we compare the results of the scan and see how informative it is. There is no other method in conventional medicine that allows this level of analysis to be done non-invasively and without pain. This is then used to reverse the issue and its cause which allows the body to heal.
Because of its extensive capabilities, the ONDAMED can break a smoking addiction, reverse osteoporosis, cause wound healing, reduce pain, balance the body and brain and bring significant benefits to the person it is used on.
The use of these devices is ushering in a new and exciting aspect to healthcare and in eliminating disease. Call Dr Baruch Rabinowicz NOW at  347-693-5103 or write him at pa.healer@yahoo.com.