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Kol Israel’s Bet Midrash Program

Kol Israel Congregation recently held a barbeque in celebration of Lag La’omer. Over 50 men gathered for delicious food, followed by a night of learning.


After similar success with a wine and cheese evening for Hanukah, a barbeque was a fitting idea for Lag La’omer. With Elliot Chrem as the chef, everyone ate and socialized, enjoying the beautiful weather before spending the evening learning.

Since last fall, Kol Israel has held a Bet Midrash program on Monday evenings, which has been a great success. Over the months it has had a steady following, offering six different classes to choose from on a given evening. Under the guidance of Rabbi Harari, the program has grown considerably.

Classes include: Rabbi Harari—Prophets; Rabbi Taler—Weekly Parashah; Rabbi Besser—Growth Through General Contemporary Topics; Rabbi Haber—the Maimonedean Controversy; Rabbi Shweky—Topics in Tefilah; and Henry Hamra (Hazan)—Maqam of the Week.

Kol Israel will be resuming in the fall. Hope to see you then!