Home Community Just wanna celebratefor all 8 nights …

Just wanna celebratefor all 8 nights …

A Magen David Celebration of Light,
Music, and Unity

The Magen David PTA proudly welcomed famed accapella group The Maccabeats to their auditorium on the eve of the first night of Hanukkah to usher in the holiday of lights in the most celebratory fashion! The Maccabeats had come to perform their Hanukkah songs for all students, grade K-8. Their lively songs and most catchy tunes have become synonymous with Hanukkah.

The students piled in to the auditorium very excitedly shaking their light up wands and buzzing with anticipation. A concert in the middle of the school day! What can be more fun!! The 7 members of the Maccabeats took the stage, and the energy level exploded. The auditorium was pumping, the children and teachers were singing their hearts out, dancing and celebrating along with one another. What a beautiful sight. Masters of their craft, the Maccabeats inspire a feeling of awe as you wonder how there are no instruments but still feel surrounded by music.

They fully engaged with our students, going down into the crowd to sing alongside them. Some of the MDY favorites were Candelight, the Latke Recipe, Am Yisrael Chai and Tamid Ohev Iti. When the first notes of Candelight were sung, the crowd erupted into song and dance, this one was extra special.

The Maccabeats spoke with the audience throughout the show, and even offered a super cool beat boxing presentation. The children could not believe the sounds one could make with their mouth and even attempted to duplicate it themselves!

The concert was a big hit, bringing joy, unity, love and light to the children, rabbis, teachers and staff. The first night of Hanukkah was approaching and MDY was electric with celebration and the hope of miracles. The dancing and singing bonded everyone together leaving behind an aura of warmth and love in the air. Much thanks to Lizzy Mizrahi, who conducted and produced our MDY Rabbis, in their own music video of Candlelight, which played in the halls and lunch room of our school in days leading up to the event! Thank you to The Maccabeats for their incredible 2 performances, making this day a reality, and for bringing such joy and happiness to our school!!

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