The setting for this great event took place at the home of Joseph’s son David and his gracious wife, Rochelle. With his entire family present, the program began with opening remarks from SBH’s president, Sam Sutton. He told his captivated audience of Joseph’s ideas on getting complete community involvement, which is the contributing factor to the growth of Bikur Holim today. An inspiring speech given by Rabbi Haber informed us of how Joseph didn’t just “think” of what could be done to help people, but, how he “did” help community members here and abroad. Elliot Bibi, chairman of the Deal division of Bikur Holim, spoke about Joseph’s dream to expand Bikur Holim to Deal. How elated would Joseph Beyda feel to know that we have our own building at the Jersey Shore? Videos of both Joseph Beyda and Bikur Holim were shown to a noiseless audience. Passages from the book were read by Jack Doueck, the author; David, Jeffrey and Shirley, Joseph’s children; and Marlene Ben-Dayan, his friend.