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Congregation Magen David of West Deal

Congregation Magen David of West Deal shines like a precious gem amongst the synagogues of the Syrian Community.  Under the spiritual and religious guidance of Rabbi Ezra Labaton, Magen David has promoted the ideals and values of tselem eloqim and tikkun olam—respecting the inherent dignity of each and every human being and attending to the needs of those around us.  These ideals and values influence everything we do at Magen David.  If one were to refer to Pirkei Avot’s articulation of the three fundamental pillars that support the world—Torah, avodah and gemilut hasadim—one would immediately recognize the areas to which Magen David applies these ideals and values.

Torah—Magen David emphasizes education, learning Torah on many levels.  There are classes for every individual, from the beginner to the advanced, men and women, youth and teens.  There are several classes every morning and most evenings, on Shabbat and holidays throughout the year. The spring and summer Bet Midrash Program encouraged hundreds to come to Magen David and learn Torah on a consistent basis. Joining our educational and rabbinic staff in an expanded role this past year is Rabbi Saul J. Kassin, who has offered so much to our congregants. We also invite many guest rabbis to give shiurim throughout the year.

Avodah—Magen David stresses tefilah, service to Hashem, through many daily minyanim and two minyanim on Shabbat and holidays. In addition, we offer the PAC (parents and children) Minyan on Shabbat, training our children to lead the tefilot and to become future contributors to our community.

Hesed—caring for others is a recurring theme at Magen David.  Rabbi Ezra Labaton has sensitized us to the needs of our fellow community members, to our fellow Jews who live near us, in Israel and around the world. The Rabbi’s Hesed Fund provides for many who are less fortunate than we are, sometimes for those who unexpectedly meet temporary economic setbacks. Magen David has also hosted yachad programs for the past 17 years, giving developmentally disabled children and adults an opportunity to enjoy a Shabbat of food and song with both the children and adults of our community. We all learn so much from each other.  For several years we have also welcomed the One Family Fund—which helps victims of terrorism and, as a result, empathized with their pain and their tragedies. Wherever suffering appears around the globe, and whenever injustice prevails in the world, as Jews, we are urged to respond. We must share in the responsibility of helping others.

Where else but at Congregation Magen David have we been asked to march on Washington for Soviet Jewry and Darfur, to demonstrate for the freedom of Syrian Jews and for the Jews of Ethiopia, to be politically aware of the world around us? Where else have we been urged to support those who defend the State of Israel by visiting the IDF and donating a swimming pool to make their lives just one bit more comfortable, or to aid those who respond to tragic bombings, like Magen David Adom, with an ambulance? Where else but at Magen David have we been encouraged to help the Jewish Community of Croatia by donating a Sefer Torah, siddurim and chumashim?  Where else but at Magen David have we donated several thousand dollars to cancer research?

Congregation Magen David of West Deal is warm and welcoming.  One only has to witness a Shabbat kiddush where hundreds linger to socialize and enjoy each other’s conversation, sometimes for a full hour after tefilah! We encourage people from all areas of the Jersey Shore and, in the summer, from all parts of the country to join our shul and participate in any of its activities. We established and continue to support YMD, Young Magen David, an organization that keeps the teenagers of our community together in a healthy, social/religious environment. We also sponsor a senior hafla program in the summer, which hundreds of our seniors attend; indeed it is the highlight of the summer for many. It is at the newly renovated “Center” location of Magen David that many seniors enjoy socializing together all year round. The Center is also the home of the Deal Sephardic Network (DSN), a new and vital organization on the Jersey Shore, serving both the youth and adults of our community.

Congregation Magen David of West Deal fosters unity and peace in the community by tolerating diverse opinions and respecting one another.  Its success is a clear result of the hard work and dedication of so many individuals, from the first Chairman of the Board, Joe Betesh A”H, and the current Chairman of the Board, Charlie Saka, to the several executive committee officers and members who have devoted so much time and energy to the synagogue over the years.  Indeed, each and every member has contributed in some fashion to this success. Above all, there is a real sense in our Kahal of Ahava v’Ahva, Shalom v’Reut, which we hope is a feeling that radiates outward to everyone in the community. 

What better way to acknowledge the significant role that the women of our community play than to publish a testimonial journal honoring our matriarchs? In this journal we all have a chance to celebrate the devotion and love of the women who have nurtured us and who have sacrificed for our well-being. Here, we can become acquainted with those who would otherwise remain unknown to us; we can learn from them and apply their lessons to serve all the families of our community.

Honoring our Matriarchs—  From first grade onwards, we have been taught in our yeshivot to respect and appreciate the founding mothers of the Jewish people. Reverberating throughout the classrooms were the accomplishments of our Imahot. Who has not heard of the open tent of Sarah, involving herself in teaching the women of the neighborhood? Who has not read between the lines in understanding the careful guiding hand of Rebecca as she guided her son Jacob to fulfill his destiny? And who has not empathized with the trials and tribulations of Leah and Rachel as they raised their families?  We have been taught to value the role the Imahot played in building the character of Bene Yisrael.

It was not, however, only the Imahot that we have learned to appreciate. Beruria, of Talmudic era fame, was a great scholar in her own right and stood as a model for other women of that period. Further, Rabbi Yossi’s mother was a legendary paragon of piety. He respected her as he respected the Shechina!  These women continued to teach us to value the role that women played in advancing the cause of our people. There were, of course, many others who left their mark on the spiritual personality of our glorious nation.

Indeed, throughout Jewish history, women have continued to play a role in establishing the ideals and values of the Jewish family. After all, they are responsible for teaching the children their first Jewish words, their first prayers and their first connection to Bore Olam. The part Jewish women have played in directing Jewish children on the pathway of Torah and mitzvot has been incalculable. We could not have survived the rigors of a tumultuous history without the efforts of Jewish women.

No less intense were the exertions of the women of our community in establishing and perpetrating the values of our own Sephardic Syrian community. Here as well, the women were responsible for preserving and maintaining the unique customs that have made this community special. Even in the most trying of circumstances, these early pioneer women made sure that their children were properly educated and appropriately raised. The results of their nurturing care, showered upon the youth of this community, and in establishing the spiritual norms of this Kahal, are evident in every nook and cranny of the community. The synagogues, youth centers and yeshivot owe their existence, in part, to the intense work ethic of those women. It is time that we acknowledge these efforts and these women. We dedicate our Journal to them and their success. May their contributions continue to be blessed.

For dedication opportunities, please contact the synagogue office at (732) 531-3220 or email dora@magendavid.net.