Home Sephardic Customs & History Chief Rabbi Shaul Jacob Kassin: A Tribute to our Esteemed Rabbi and...

Chief Rabbi Shaul Jacob Kassin: A Tribute to our Esteemed Rabbi and Educator

ImageA little over 10 years ago we were orphaned by the loss of our esteemed and honorable Chief Rabbi Hacham Yaakov Shaul Kassin. In his infinite foresight, Hacham Yaakov saw the frenzy we would be in. He left our new father, patriarch, educator, and his right-hand man, Hacham Shaul Yaakov Kassin, as his replacement. Many years have gone by with many accomplishments both known and unknown to the community by this great leader. I just thought a tribute of words were necessary as a small token of my appreciation and admiration for our Chief Rabbi Hacham Shaul Kassin, Shlita.

Hacham Shaul Kassin is the most selfless person I know. He is always considerate and generous. Uncompromising in his religious standpoint, the Chief Rabbi makes it clear in his humble way that we are here to better ourselves. Modesty in the community is his goal. His main standpoint is: Educating our youth religiously for they are the future of this community. He has educated thousands of people on every level possible. His community comes first and in his eloquent way he has proven to all of us that 100% isn’t enough. He has always gone above and beyond the call of duty.

The most remarkable thing about our Chief Rabbi is his continuous effort to grow, and as he grows we grow along with him. He has achieved a simplicity and grace in his work that could only come from devotion to his teaching craft. Because of his inordinate attention to the role in connection with himself, he has achieved a kind of glorious freedom. It is a freedom that only comes after one goes through all the trials, tribulations, and ordeals that make it possible to survive and become an accomplished individual in this world. He is an outstanding leader, educator, and a remarkable Chief Rabbi of the Syrian Sephardic Community. He achieved the highest standard of learning: Utter simplicity and grace.

He guides us, but at the same time he does not spoon feed us information. He encourages us all to learn on our own, but we know if we have any problems he is always there to help.

In family crises he is there praying and reading Tehillim (Psalms) . There are three instances, which prove his selflessness and exemplify his leadership skills. A cousin of mine was very ill and went into a diabetic coma. Not knowing what to do, I called the rabbi. He asked where I was and said he would be there shortly. Before a half-hour expired, Rabbi Kassin arrived and told us to take him to the room. He sat there praying for his recovery. He left his mark on our family from that day as a true leader with no care for himself but rather full care for his fellow man. It wasn’t, “I am sorry I am busy doing something,” instead, it was instantaneous proof that he is there for anyone at anytime.

The second instance was when he had to have an operation and I went to visit him in the hospital. At the time he was resting, but we sat there reading Tehillim for a while and then I left. I came back that Motzaei Shabbat and he was sitting there smiling and apologizing for not being awake on my previous visit to him. Where else do we find a leader with that character?

The last instance was immediately following his release from the hospital. The doctors told him to rest and take it easy for a while. However, the next day he arrived at my brother’s wedding. He happily asked, “How can I miss partaking in the mitzvah of mesameah hatan vekallah (rejoicing before a bride and groom)?”

You know when you see his performance (in any respect) that it is going to bring his consummate knowledge, gravity, depth, and wisdom that all the years of dedication has brought him to. We are blessed to have a leader like this and we hope that he will continue his selfless leadership in the community and in the entire Jewish world for many years to come.

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